Sunday, October 5, 2008
Stay at Home Mom Creates Million Dollar Business So She Can Stay Home With Her Son
Another Example of Wealth Being Created Out of Thin Air!
All the Best!
Dawn Nocera
Thursday, September 25, 2008
September 25th 2008
Hi Everyone!
I have been doing something I haven't done in years...rollerblading! Talk about a work out! It is definitely different than running. I feel it in all the right spots! My son rides his bike with me before school and encourages me, "One more time around the block, Mom!" It is nice having a personal rollerblading coach to keep me going.
The next few weeks are my daughters' birthdays. And the house is buzzing with talk of birthday cakes, friends and ice cream. Their enthusiasm is contagious! It is a good thing I am rollerblading with all this talk of cake and ice cream!
I have so many great new projects in the making. I can't wait to share some of them with you over then next few months. It is amazing what I can accomplish with the kids in school.
I wish you great experiences and many things to celebrate!
With great appreciation,
The Biggest Gap in Life is the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do.
Have you ever heard someone say, "I know what to do." And then turn around and do nothing or something totally different than what they know they should do? If you have you have witnessed the success gap in action. The success gap is the difference between what we know we should do and what we do.
Goal achievers have learned to close that gap and do what they know they should do and in the doing that they create experiences that lead them to great results. That is what makes them goal achievers and not just goal setters.
What Motivates Goal Achievers to Actually Do It?
Goal achievers' tap into their feelings and know which ones motivate them to act. Sometimes fear motivates someone to do the thing they know they should do. Fear of failure, fear of how they might look if they don't do it. Goal achievers take action out of faith.
Napoleon Hill writes in "Think and Grow Rich" that "Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought."
You might want to read that quote again.
"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought."
Thoughts become alive when mixed with faith. Faith points us away from failure and towards what is possible. The possibility of success. According to Hill, faith is a feeling that propels us to act. Goal achievers are motivated by faith in themselves, faith in others and faith in their creator. Think about how you might feel if you had complete faith in your abilities to do the things you know you should do. Think of all the things you might do if you knew you could not fail!
Magic Coaching Questions:
Think of a goal, it could be better health, more sales, a bigger home, a more passionate relationship. Now ask yourself, "What is the one thing that I know I should do and if I would only do I would get better results in this area of my life?"
Now think of that goal again. Now ask yourself, "What is the best thing that could happen if I do this one thing?"
Now go do it!
Join me on
Saturday October 25th
from 9am to 4pm
at the Hampton Inn at Easton
Columbus, Ohio
The Secret of Designing Your Life
Look for more details to come letting you know more about this event and the benefits you will receive from joining me. You won't want to miss this one!
I have been doing something I haven't done in years...rollerblading! Talk about a work out! It is definitely different than running. I feel it in all the right spots! My son rides his bike with me before school and encourages me, "One more time around the block, Mom!" It is nice having a personal rollerblading coach to keep me going.
The next few weeks are my daughters' birthdays. And the house is buzzing with talk of birthday cakes, friends and ice cream. Their enthusiasm is contagious! It is a good thing I am rollerblading with all this talk of cake and ice cream!
I have so many great new projects in the making. I can't wait to share some of them with you over then next few months. It is amazing what I can accomplish with the kids in school.
I wish you great experiences and many things to celebrate!
With great appreciation,
The Biggest Gap in Life is the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do.
Have you ever heard someone say, "I know what to do." And then turn around and do nothing or something totally different than what they know they should do? If you have you have witnessed the success gap in action. The success gap is the difference between what we know we should do and what we do.
Goal achievers have learned to close that gap and do what they know they should do and in the doing that they create experiences that lead them to great results. That is what makes them goal achievers and not just goal setters.
What Motivates Goal Achievers to Actually Do It?
Goal achievers' tap into their feelings and know which ones motivate them to act. Sometimes fear motivates someone to do the thing they know they should do. Fear of failure, fear of how they might look if they don't do it. Goal achievers take action out of faith.
Napoleon Hill writes in "Think and Grow Rich" that "Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought."
You might want to read that quote again.
"Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought."
Thoughts become alive when mixed with faith. Faith points us away from failure and towards what is possible. The possibility of success. According to Hill, faith is a feeling that propels us to act. Goal achievers are motivated by faith in themselves, faith in others and faith in their creator. Think about how you might feel if you had complete faith in your abilities to do the things you know you should do. Think of all the things you might do if you knew you could not fail!
Magic Coaching Questions:
Think of a goal, it could be better health, more sales, a bigger home, a more passionate relationship. Now ask yourself, "What is the one thing that I know I should do and if I would only do I would get better results in this area of my life?"
Now think of that goal again. Now ask yourself, "What is the best thing that could happen if I do this one thing?"
Now go do it!
Join me on
Saturday October 25th
from 9am to 4pm
at the Hampton Inn at Easton
Columbus, Ohio
The Secret of Designing Your Life
Look for more details to come letting you know more about this event and the benefits you will receive from joining me. You won't want to miss this one!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"So What Do I Want?"
The One Question You Need to Ask Yourself Often, "So What Do I Want?"
Life is wonderful! The kids are back in school and my time is truly mine for the first time in 11 years. Up until now, I have been working early mornings, late nights, and have had a few coaching calls during the day when I could count on an hour of peace here and there. Now that I have all this free time, I needed to ask myself this one question before moving forward, "So, what do I want?" For me it is simple, I want to help as many people achieve their goals as possible in the most efficient manner possible. This one question sets my course.
But what happens when you don't know what you want?
Get busy deciding what you do want! One of the reasons why many people don't get what they want is because they haven't defined it. There are so many options out there, it is a wonder we can make up our mind about anything. Many people don't make up their mind, they let other people decide for them! Don't let this happen to you, be decisive. Practice making decisions by asking yourself honestly, "What do I want?"
Switch your focus from what you don't want to what you do want.
Most of the time when people are in a negative state of mind or not feeling up to par, they have been focusing on what they don't want more than on what they do want. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, "How do I feel?" If you feel good, you are probably focusing on what you want. Congratulations! If you feel bad, you might want to make a shift and focus on what you want.
Get Clear on What You Want
Getting clear on what you want from life is a process. It requires you to know yourself more deeply than your current understanding. I have included a journaling exercise that should help you get clear on what you want in the major areas of your life, that way, you will know where you are heading and feel good along the way!
Get your journal or a blank sheet of paper and at the top write "Finances" and draw a line down the middle. At the top of one side write, "I Don't' Want" and on the top of the other side write, "I Do Want." and just write. Write everything that comes to your mind about what you don't like and about what you do like. When you are finished with it, take your "Don't Want's" and turn them into "Do Wants". For example, if you wrote, "I don't want to retire broke," cross it out and write, "I do want to retire financially free." The goal is to have a long list of things you do want. "I want a net worth of..." "I want to buy a..."
Now that you have done it with your finances, write your wants for your relationships, your environment, your work/career, your service to others, and don't forget your body.
Spend time getting to know what you want from life and watch in amazement as those things start appearing in your life!
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
Life is wonderful! The kids are back in school and my time is truly mine for the first time in 11 years. Up until now, I have been working early mornings, late nights, and have had a few coaching calls during the day when I could count on an hour of peace here and there. Now that I have all this free time, I needed to ask myself this one question before moving forward, "So, what do I want?" For me it is simple, I want to help as many people achieve their goals as possible in the most efficient manner possible. This one question sets my course.
But what happens when you don't know what you want?
Get busy deciding what you do want! One of the reasons why many people don't get what they want is because they haven't defined it. There are so many options out there, it is a wonder we can make up our mind about anything. Many people don't make up their mind, they let other people decide for them! Don't let this happen to you, be decisive. Practice making decisions by asking yourself honestly, "What do I want?"
Switch your focus from what you don't want to what you do want.
Most of the time when people are in a negative state of mind or not feeling up to par, they have been focusing on what they don't want more than on what they do want. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, "How do I feel?" If you feel good, you are probably focusing on what you want. Congratulations! If you feel bad, you might want to make a shift and focus on what you want.
Get Clear on What You Want
Getting clear on what you want from life is a process. It requires you to know yourself more deeply than your current understanding. I have included a journaling exercise that should help you get clear on what you want in the major areas of your life, that way, you will know where you are heading and feel good along the way!
Get your journal or a blank sheet of paper and at the top write "Finances" and draw a line down the middle. At the top of one side write, "I Don't' Want" and on the top of the other side write, "I Do Want." and just write. Write everything that comes to your mind about what you don't like and about what you do like. When you are finished with it, take your "Don't Want's" and turn them into "Do Wants". For example, if you wrote, "I don't want to retire broke," cross it out and write, "I do want to retire financially free." The goal is to have a long list of things you do want. "I want a net worth of..." "I want to buy a..."
Now that you have done it with your finances, write your wants for your relationships, your environment, your work/career, your service to others, and don't forget your body.
Spend time getting to know what you want from life and watch in amazement as those things start appearing in your life!
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Watch for Your Life Coach on MTV's MADE Today!

By Now Most of You Know...
I am going to be on MTV on Sunday, Aug 10th at 4pm.
How does a up and coming life coach land a spot on MTV?
I would like to tell you that I did a crazy publicity blitz and spent a lot of money on advertising and worked tirelessly just to been seen on a national television program. However that is the farthest from the truth. Read on to find out just how it happened....
Out With the Old in With the New.
My 11 year old daughter has been on me to upgrade my cell phone to something that would be more, well, "cool." In her opinion I needed a phone that had a keyboard, took pictures, videos, held my MP3's and looked professional. My pink razr just wasn't doing the trick. It was just too, pre-teen. She assured me that upgrading my cell phone would surely upgrade my image and in turn help me attract more business. So she cut out a picture of a Blackberry Curve and stuck it in my purse, where I would see it often.
The Magical Blackberry.
Well that little picture ended up being enough to motivate me to visit a local shop and see what they had to offer. It turns out, the guy at the counter recommended that same Blackberry Curve for my needs. "The Magical Blackberry" I brought it home that night charged the battery and woke up the next morning expecting miracles.
When Opportunity Knocks..
Are you aware when opportunity knocks? Well, I had just walked in the door of my sister-in-law's house because I was free for the day and had offered to watch her kids for a few hours. We were in the door way getting our shoes off and my phone rang. The sound of my new phone's ringing was still new to me and I normally let it go to voice mail when I am with the kids, however this time I answered the phone. Standing there with 6 kids, 5 under 5, I slid out the door onto the porch so I could talk without the noise of "the littles" in the background. Although they were amazingly quiet, I wanted to ensure that I could hear every word. The voice on the other end of the line said, "Hi, I am a producer from MTV's award winning series 'MADE'. I am looking for a Columbus Life Coach for an episode we are filming in central Ohio. Are you interested?" Well, that is the short version. There really was more to her introduction than that. I asked her to email me the information and I would get back with her later that day. I was totally aware of the opportunity that was at hand.
I Was Willing
The producer asked if I was interested, but the real question was, "Was I willing?" There I stood, faced with the opportunity to have free publicity by being on national television, however I wasn't feeling all that excited. I was feeling a bit of discomfort. It was a feeling I hadn't had in a while, pure fear! My face on TV? What if I say something entirely stupid? Worse yet, what if I can't help Alex? Well, that last one was entirely ridiculous. What really makes me stand out is that I believe in people. I believe that people can change and I believe that everyone of us is capable of doing whatever our hearts desire. And that belief in people helps to creates amazing change in others. I see it happen every day. And so what if I looked silly or stumbled on my words. I was being asked to coach Alex. It really was about helping her overcome her fears, so the focus would be on her. What do I know about fear? I know that fear is just an indicator of change happening at a cellular level. It is like a warning sign that says something different is happening, check your target before making a move.
So, I checked my target, my life's purpose. " cultivate an army of wildly successful women..." That was enough for me.
Yes, I was willing!
I Was Able
When they asked for a Columbus Life Coach, the answer to the question of being able seemed like an easy yes. However when I found out that Alex was from Tipp City, which is about an hour and a half away from Columbus, the question of being able had be be taken into consideration. Could I shuffle clients if needed? Would I need to cancel any classes? The producer had originally asked me to recap two more times before the competition, which would be even more time out of my schedule. My husband had just left on a business trip for 3 weeks, which means I would also need to consider babysitting. Could I do it? I made the decision that I would make it work. Yes, I was able!
The Results
The entire coaching session with Alex took less than an hour and a half. We met here in Columbus, which was a blessing. Having a camera, 2 actually, in our face for the entire session was a little strange, however I did my best to remain present with Alex during our time together. I had faith in Alex and her ability to pull it together and make it through the next 3 weeks. It turned out that something must have changed. They didn't need me to come back for further coaching sessions. Maybe spending extra time with Jill, the filmer/producer, after the shoot or the coaching session on the phone with Holly Lyons the pro skateboarder/MADE coach had something to do with that?
I was invited back for the final day of filming. I decided to make the trip to the competition in Kettering, Ohio and bring my daughter along. It was a beautiful day. It was great meeting Holly in person. She is a great skater and was gratefull and ready to return to California where she was scheduled to be a stunt double for the new Hannah Montana movie. It was wonderful to see Alex on the skateboard, she looked happier, more confident, and she definitely looked like a skater!
Air time!
I'd love to have you watch with me to see how they take 6 weeks of filming and turn it into an hour long episode. Remember I haven't seen it yet either, so we will all be watching at the same time together! Look for me in the middle of the show and at the end during the competition. I'll be in the audience.
Air times:
Sunday (It's today!)
August 10, 2008 at 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST
August 12th at 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST Tuesday
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
I am going to be on MTV on Sunday, Aug 10th at 4pm.
How does a up and coming life coach land a spot on MTV?
I would like to tell you that I did a crazy publicity blitz and spent a lot of money on advertising and worked tirelessly just to been seen on a national television program. However that is the farthest from the truth. Read on to find out just how it happened....
Out With the Old in With the New.
My 11 year old daughter has been on me to upgrade my cell phone to something that would be more, well, "cool." In her opinion I needed a phone that had a keyboard, took pictures, videos, held my MP3's and looked professional. My pink razr just wasn't doing the trick. It was just too, pre-teen. She assured me that upgrading my cell phone would surely upgrade my image and in turn help me attract more business. So she cut out a picture of a Blackberry Curve and stuck it in my purse, where I would see it often.
The Magical Blackberry.
Well that little picture ended up being enough to motivate me to visit a local shop and see what they had to offer. It turns out, the guy at the counter recommended that same Blackberry Curve for my needs. "The Magical Blackberry" I brought it home that night charged the battery and woke up the next morning expecting miracles.
When Opportunity Knocks..
Are you aware when opportunity knocks? Well, I had just walked in the door of my sister-in-law's house because I was free for the day and had offered to watch her kids for a few hours. We were in the door way getting our shoes off and my phone rang. The sound of my new phone's ringing was still new to me and I normally let it go to voice mail when I am with the kids, however this time I answered the phone. Standing there with 6 kids, 5 under 5, I slid out the door onto the porch so I could talk without the noise of "the littles" in the background. Although they were amazingly quiet, I wanted to ensure that I could hear every word. The voice on the other end of the line said, "Hi, I am a producer from MTV's award winning series 'MADE'. I am looking for a Columbus Life Coach for an episode we are filming in central Ohio. Are you interested?" Well, that is the short version. There really was more to her introduction than that. I asked her to email me the information and I would get back with her later that day. I was totally aware of the opportunity that was at hand.
I Was Willing
The producer asked if I was interested, but the real question was, "Was I willing?" There I stood, faced with the opportunity to have free publicity by being on national television, however I wasn't feeling all that excited. I was feeling a bit of discomfort. It was a feeling I hadn't had in a while, pure fear! My face on TV? What if I say something entirely stupid? Worse yet, what if I can't help Alex? Well, that last one was entirely ridiculous. What really makes me stand out is that I believe in people. I believe that people can change and I believe that everyone of us is capable of doing whatever our hearts desire. And that belief in people helps to creates amazing change in others. I see it happen every day. And so what if I looked silly or stumbled on my words. I was being asked to coach Alex. It really was about helping her overcome her fears, so the focus would be on her. What do I know about fear? I know that fear is just an indicator of change happening at a cellular level. It is like a warning sign that says something different is happening, check your target before making a move.
So, I checked my target, my life's purpose. " cultivate an army of wildly successful women..." That was enough for me.
Yes, I was willing!
I Was Able
When they asked for a Columbus Life Coach, the answer to the question of being able seemed like an easy yes. However when I found out that Alex was from Tipp City, which is about an hour and a half away from Columbus, the question of being able had be be taken into consideration. Could I shuffle clients if needed? Would I need to cancel any classes? The producer had originally asked me to recap two more times before the competition, which would be even more time out of my schedule. My husband had just left on a business trip for 3 weeks, which means I would also need to consider babysitting. Could I do it? I made the decision that I would make it work. Yes, I was able!
The Results
The entire coaching session with Alex took less than an hour and a half. We met here in Columbus, which was a blessing. Having a camera, 2 actually, in our face for the entire session was a little strange, however I did my best to remain present with Alex during our time together. I had faith in Alex and her ability to pull it together and make it through the next 3 weeks. It turned out that something must have changed. They didn't need me to come back for further coaching sessions. Maybe spending extra time with Jill, the filmer/producer, after the shoot or the coaching session on the phone with Holly Lyons the pro skateboarder/MADE coach had something to do with that?
I was invited back for the final day of filming. I decided to make the trip to the competition in Kettering, Ohio and bring my daughter along. It was a beautiful day. It was great meeting Holly in person. She is a great skater and was gratefull and ready to return to California where she was scheduled to be a stunt double for the new Hannah Montana movie. It was wonderful to see Alex on the skateboard, she looked happier, more confident, and she definitely looked like a skater!
Air time!
I'd love to have you watch with me to see how they take 6 weeks of filming and turn it into an hour long episode. Remember I haven't seen it yet either, so we will all be watching at the same time together! Look for me in the middle of the show and at the end during the competition. I'll be in the audience.
Air times:
Sunday (It's today!)
August 10, 2008 at 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST
August 12th at 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST Tuesday
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Setting Your Intentions
Know What You Want from Each and Every Moment.
Learning how to set your intentions seems like an easy task, however most of us are in the habit of letting events happen without having an intention of what they want to get out of the day, the event or a conversation. I encourage you to set your intention and know what you want to get out of each moment of your life.
What most people do is set the intention after the moment has past. Then they wonder why it didn't work out the way they had planned. Setting the intention before getting started calibrates your mind to what you want and helps you stay focused on the goal and at the same sets in motion the spiritual side of the universe to work with you.
You have heard the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This is only true when you forget to set your intentions right from the beginning. The result of having good intentions go bad is due to setting intentions after the fact, or setting intentions that are not aligned with the highest good for all those involved. So how do you practice setting intentions that are in harmony with the good for all and for your personal good?
1) Put Your Creator First.
There is always a plan for the good of all, set your intentions to be a part of that good. This way your intentions are set and your intuition will tell you what you need to know to stay in the flow of the good work that is going on around you.
2) Set Your Intentions Before Taking Action.
Before you start your car set your intention for a smooth, timely and easy ride. Before you eat your dinner set your intentions for nourishment and right choice of food. (This one thing can help people who otherwise have a hard time losing weight, become conscious eaters and lose weight effortlessly.)
Before joining a meeting set your intentions for what you want to contribute, get out of it, or learn. The most important intention to set is for your day. When you wake up in the morning ask yourself, what are your intentions for the day. Reinforce your intentions by saying them out loud, "My intentions for the day are to...organize my desk, be kind and loving to my family, have a great meeting (and set the intentions for what a great meeting is before the meeting), eat healthy foods, think healthy thoughts and be an uplifter and supporter of everyone I come in contact with today."
3) Reinforce Your Intentions With Affirmations
When things look like they are turning out differently than you intended, be armed with a powerful intention affirmation that reaffirms your belief in yourself, your creator and your mission. For example, one of my intentions is to have a peace in my house during the summer while honoring my children's needs to be free and have fun. When things get a little loud and "interesting" in my house, I affirm, "My house is full of peace and love. I honor the peace and love in each of my children now." Yes, sometimes I have to say it a few times before I feel peace and love. However the peace and love that I feel after reinforcing my intentions take over and I become a catalyst for peace instead of reacting to the situation in an unpeaceful way. This takes practice!
4) Have Faith!
When you are just starting to set intentions, have faith! You will get it, it just takes practice. The hardest part is remembering to do it and it gets easier and easier as you set your intentions in each area of your life and see the results working for you and for all those involved.
Setting your intentions brings you into alignment with your natural state of personal power and freedom to choose how you want your day to go. Living life intentionally makes you a powerful co-creator! Now go intend a great day!
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
Learning how to set your intentions seems like an easy task, however most of us are in the habit of letting events happen without having an intention of what they want to get out of the day, the event or a conversation. I encourage you to set your intention and know what you want to get out of each moment of your life.
What most people do is set the intention after the moment has past. Then they wonder why it didn't work out the way they had planned. Setting the intention before getting started calibrates your mind to what you want and helps you stay focused on the goal and at the same sets in motion the spiritual side of the universe to work with you.
You have heard the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." This is only true when you forget to set your intentions right from the beginning. The result of having good intentions go bad is due to setting intentions after the fact, or setting intentions that are not aligned with the highest good for all those involved. So how do you practice setting intentions that are in harmony with the good for all and for your personal good?
1) Put Your Creator First.
There is always a plan for the good of all, set your intentions to be a part of that good. This way your intentions are set and your intuition will tell you what you need to know to stay in the flow of the good work that is going on around you.
2) Set Your Intentions Before Taking Action.
Before you start your car set your intention for a smooth, timely and easy ride. Before you eat your dinner set your intentions for nourishment and right choice of food. (This one thing can help people who otherwise have a hard time losing weight, become conscious eaters and lose weight effortlessly.)
Before joining a meeting set your intentions for what you want to contribute, get out of it, or learn. The most important intention to set is for your day. When you wake up in the morning ask yourself, what are your intentions for the day. Reinforce your intentions by saying them out loud, "My intentions for the day are to...organize my desk, be kind and loving to my family, have a great meeting (and set the intentions for what a great meeting is before the meeting), eat healthy foods, think healthy thoughts and be an uplifter and supporter of everyone I come in contact with today."
3) Reinforce Your Intentions With Affirmations
When things look like they are turning out differently than you intended, be armed with a powerful intention affirmation that reaffirms your belief in yourself, your creator and your mission. For example, one of my intentions is to have a peace in my house during the summer while honoring my children's needs to be free and have fun. When things get a little loud and "interesting" in my house, I affirm, "My house is full of peace and love. I honor the peace and love in each of my children now." Yes, sometimes I have to say it a few times before I feel peace and love. However the peace and love that I feel after reinforcing my intentions take over and I become a catalyst for peace instead of reacting to the situation in an unpeaceful way. This takes practice!
4) Have Faith!
When you are just starting to set intentions, have faith! You will get it, it just takes practice. The hardest part is remembering to do it and it gets easier and easier as you set your intentions in each area of your life and see the results working for you and for all those involved.
Setting your intentions brings you into alignment with your natural state of personal power and freedom to choose how you want your day to go. Living life intentionally makes you a powerful co-creator! Now go intend a great day!
All the Best!
Your Personal Life Success Coach,
Dawn Nocera
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Key #1 Decide to Change
"Where do I start?"
"What one thing can I do today that will change my life for the better?"
When people arrive at the point where they look at their life and decide they don't really like what they see, they become irritated and frustrated. Eventually they will either begin to change the way they are doing things and grow, or they fall further and further into frustration and irriatation until they no longer believe that they can change. Growth and success is a choice you make. So when people ask me, "Where do I start?" I ask them if they have made the decision to change. People will seek out a coach when they are ready for change, and have made the decision to change. Without the decision to change, all the coaching in the world wouldn't help them.
So I ask, "Have you committed to change?" If the answer is a resounding "YES!" then I know that the person is coachable and ready to take some action steps towards a fullfilling and more wonderous life than the one they have.
It really doesn't matter where you are in life or what level of success you have achieved up until this point, if you want more, all you have to do is decide to change.
There is so much more to life than what you have right now. There always is more to experience, you only need to decide that you are going to change!
Blessings to All!
Be Well,
Dawn Nocera
Personal and Professional Development Coaching
To join one of my free online Think and Grow Rich Mastermind book study groups, visit my site and complete the form on the page title Mastermind!
"What one thing can I do today that will change my life for the better?"
When people arrive at the point where they look at their life and decide they don't really like what they see, they become irritated and frustrated. Eventually they will either begin to change the way they are doing things and grow, or they fall further and further into frustration and irriatation until they no longer believe that they can change. Growth and success is a choice you make. So when people ask me, "Where do I start?" I ask them if they have made the decision to change. People will seek out a coach when they are ready for change, and have made the decision to change. Without the decision to change, all the coaching in the world wouldn't help them.
So I ask, "Have you committed to change?" If the answer is a resounding "YES!" then I know that the person is coachable and ready to take some action steps towards a fullfilling and more wonderous life than the one they have.
It really doesn't matter where you are in life or what level of success you have achieved up until this point, if you want more, all you have to do is decide to change.
There is so much more to life than what you have right now. There always is more to experience, you only need to decide that you are going to change!
Blessings to All!
Be Well,
Dawn Nocera
Personal and Professional Development Coaching
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